BISTORTA - Bistort

Family: Polygonaceae [SEHM]

1 sp. (Latin: twice twisted, from contorted rhizomes)
Unabridged etymology: (Latin: bi-, twice, tortus, twisted, alluding to contorted rhizomes)[Jepson]

Comment: "There is a close relationship between Persicaria, Bistorta and Polygonum." [Personal Observation]

Local Species;

  1. Bistorta bistortoides - American bistort [E-flora][TSFTK]
  2. Bistorta vivipara- Aalpine bistort [E-flora][PCBC][TSFTK]

Bistorta bistortoides - American bistort

Bistorta vivipara - Alpine Bistort


Page last modified on Sunday, February 3, 2019 4:50 AM